Saturday, February 8, 2025

USTA 40+ 3.0 Match

In my first 2025 USTA 40+ 3.0 match of the season, Jeff Essner and I defeated William Phelps and Eric Grisesshaberby with a score of:

  • Set 1: 6-1
  • Set 2: 6-3

When we arrived at Bay Club Courtside, it was difficult to find parking and to find an open practice court. The club had multiple tennis matches and pickleball matches.

Here is what our team captain wrote:
Hi Team,

We swept! all lines have won against Courtside!
We got 5 points added to our balance and are now in 3rd/4th Place.

D1 - Shobir and Eugene have placed very well on their first match together - They did not drop a set - 6-3;6-3
D2 - Jeff and Boris also got a great win, and did not drop a set. 6-1;6-3
D3 - Miguel and Greg (Thanks again!) played very well together - they had split sets, but won 10-4 on the tiebreaker - Well done guys! 6-3;2-6;1-0 (10-4)
S1 - Eyal won his second singles game without dropping a set; 6-3;6-1