Saturday, October 12, 2024

Review: Mariza at SF Jazz

Mariza is a world-famous Fado singer, and I was surprised and delighted that she was visiting San Francisco. Having just recently returned from Portugal, where Mariza usually performs in large stadiums, I was happily surprised that I could purchase tickets to hear her live.

Here is a sample YouTube video of her singing:

According to Wikipedia: 

Mariza was born in Lourenço Marques, Portuguese Mozambique, to a Portuguese father, José Brandão Nunes, and a Mozambican mother, Isabel Nunes.[3] When she was three years old, her family moved to Metropolitan Portugal, and she was raised in Lisbon's historic quarters of Mouraria and Alfama. While very young, she began singing in various musical styles, including gospel, soul, and jazz. Her father strongly encouraged her to adopt fado; he felt participating in traditional music would grant her greater acceptance in the Portuguese community. Mariza has sold over 1 million records worldwide.[4]

I purchased front-row seats (row  AA, 103/104) and saw Mariza close. She was much taller than I expected and sang beautifully. I enjoyed the concert and was glad to hear her sing in person.

I liked her band, which included the accordion, guitar, Portuguese guitar, bass, and drums. I especially enjoyed the acoustic guitar (and far less the accordion—I would have preferred a piano instead).

One of my favorite songs Mariza sang is "Quem Me Dera", see below:

Quem Me Dera

Que mais tem de acontecer no mundo
Para inverter o teu coração pra mim
Que quantidade de lágrimas devo deixar cair
Que flor tem que nascer
Para ganhar o teu amor

Por esse amor meu Deus
Eu faço tudo
Declamo os poemas mais lindos do universo
A ver se te convenço
Que a minha alma nasceu para ti

Será preciso um milagre
Para que o meu coração se alegre
Juro não vou desistir
Faça chuva faça Sol
Porque eu preciso de ti para seguir

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Será preciso uma tempestade
Para perceberes que o meu amor é de verdade
Te procuro nos outdoors da cidade, nas luzes dos faróis
Nos meros mortais como nós
O meu amor é puro, é tão grande e resistente como embondeiro
Por ti eu vou onde nunca iria
Por ti eu sou o que nunca seria

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera
Abraçar-te no outono, verão e primavera
Quiçá viver além uma quimera
Herdar a sorte e ganhar teu coração

Quem me dera

I Wish

What else has to happen in the world
To turn your heart towards me
How many tears must I let fall
What flower must bloom
To win your love

For this love, my God
I do everything
I recite the most beautiful poems in the universe
To see if I convince you
That my soul was born for you

It will take a miracle
For my heart to rejoice
I swear I won't give up
Come rain or shine
Because I need you to go on

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

It will take a storm
For you to realize my love is true
I look for you in city billboards, in the headlights
In mere mortals like us
My love is pure, as big and resilient as a baobab tree
For you, I go where I would never go
For you, I am what I would never be

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

I wish
To embrace you in autumn, summer, and spring
Perhaps live beyond a chimera
Inherit luck and win your heart

I wish