Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ride from Palo Alto to Filoli Gardens

I was offered a chance to ride from Palo Alto to Filoli Gardens and I decided to give it a shot. Initially, I was looking for a gravel bike for the long ride, but I did not want to pay $150/day to rent a bike at Summit Bicycles.

My Specialized FSRS-Works is not the ideal bicycle, but I made it work. When I arrived at 11:30 in Palo Alto and parked at the Car Garage on 350 Sherman Ave, I realized that my bike's brakes were working poorly. The rear brake was completely non-functional, but the front brake still worked. I decided to proceed as is since Summit Bicycles explained that bleeding both brakes would take some time.

The ride was quite smooth, with a few uphill sections. It took us about 70 minutes to reach Filoli Gardens, where we turned around.

Palo Alto 2024


After we returned to Palo Alto, I dropped off my Specialized FSR mountain bike at Summit Bicycles to have the brakes bled and the drive chain replaced.