Wednesday, May 22, 2024

First USTA Men's 18+ 3.0 Doubles Win in 2024

In my first USTA 18+ 3.0 match of the season, Raja Jacob and I (the AVAC D3 team) defeated Tom Franich and David Tarkington (Rio Del Mar Team) by a score of:

  • Set 1: 4-6
  • Set 2: 7-6
  • Tiebreak: 1-0 
Raja and Boris had a "no pressure" match, as we already won as a team.
They lost the first set, but took the second set 7-6, amazingly coming back from 2-5 !!!
Completing the win with a 10-2 win on the 10-point tiebreaker.
Great win you guys!!!!

We did not start out well but steadily improved and adjusted our game. Raja was doing great with overheads.