Friday, January 5, 2024

Lesson 04: Tennis with Gary Jordao - Spacing

During today's lesson with Gary, I focused on improving my forehand and backhand spacing. 

I have developed a bad habit of getting too close to the ball. I need more space between me and the incoming tennis ball to execute a full forehand or backhand stroke.


  1. Prepare early!
  2. Work on staying further away.
  3. Keep feet further apart (wide stance)
  4. Bend the knees
  5. On low balls, bend the knees even further!
  6. Breathe out during the stroke


  1. Prepare early! 
  2. During the backhand stroke, avoid turning the wrist
  3. Work staying further away
  4. Keep feet further apart (wide stance)
  5. Bend the knees
  6. Make sure to continue the stroke low to high without stopping

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