Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Lesson 01: Tennis Backhand Lesson with Ryan Reidy

As I struggled with my consistency on my one-handed tennis backhand, Ryan Reidy from 2minutetennis evaluated my backhand and offered excellent pointers for improvement.

Here is a list of technique items to work on:

  1. The backhand stroke must be initiated lower, with the top of the tennis racket being at the same height as my head (my error was in holding the racket much higher - this works for the slice backhand stroke but not for the backhand drive)
  2. During the swing down, the tennis racket must be pointed down (closed), almost touching the knee
  3. The left arm separates but moves with the right hand initially 
  4. The left-arm separation starts when it reaches the left leg
  5. The wrist never moves; it should be fixed throughout the whole stroke
  6. The left arm starts swinging backward before ball contact to balance the stroke
  7. The contact point is further upfront (similar to forehand drive)
  8. On the finish, I must finish in a "V" with the racket pointing left